We are excited to announce that, as part of our collaboration with the Cultural Emergency Response (CER) for the upcoming regional training program, “Emergency Response for Documentary Heritage,” we are calling for applications to participate in the course. The course aims at professionals from South and East (English speaking) Africa, and it will be held in Pretoria, South Africa, from 11 to 15 November 2024. All selected participants will receive a grant to attend this workshop. 

Would you like to participate or recommend a colleague? Below you will find all the information you need to apply for this event. 

What is the scope of this workshop? 

This regional training is aimed at addressing the growing threats facing documentary cultural heritage in South and East Africa due to conflicts and disasters. The course will take place in Pretoria (South Africa) from 11 to 15 November 2024 and aims to develop capacities among documentary heritage professionals from high-risk areas. The programme will provide a platform for collective reflection, hands-on exercises, and constructive dialogue. By attending, you will gain practical skills and effective solutions for safeguarding documentary heritage in crisis. 

The course is organized by National Library of South Africa as the IFLA Preservation and Conservation (PAC) Centre, the British Library’s Endangered Archives Programme (EAP) and the National University of Lesotho which acts as the EAP Hub for Africa, in collaboration with Cultural Emergency Response (CER), the International Council on Archives (ICA) and with the generous support of the Whiting Foundation. 

The training program kicks off with an Opening Conference on Monday, 11 November 2024. This conference will bring together regional, national, and international documentary heritage preservation and conservation institutions, experts, and funding organizations to discuss challenges and best practices in preserving and conserving endangered documentary heritage. More information and the registration link for the conference will be shared soon. 

You will find more information on the workshop in the outline document included at the bottom of this page. 

Who can apply? 

ICA individual members or right holders of ICA institutional members who have the following profile are eligible to apply: 

  • Documentary heritage professionals from South and East (English speaking) Africa with a fluent knowledge of English 
  • Individuals working as records managers and archivists in risk-prone areas 
  • Individuals in charge of protecting valuable local, private, religious or national/international documentary heritage collections under threat 
  • Professionals with direct management and handling of documentary collections 

Please note that the working language of this course is English only and no interpretation will be provided.   


  • Applicants must provide their ICA membership number and be in good standing with ICA dues paid 
  • New members may not receive their membership number until a few days after payment has been received. New members wishing to apply for the Regional Training Programme must indicate the date of payment and mention “Pending Membership #” in the appropriate field on the registration form 

What is the grant covering? 

Accommodation, meals, travel and visa expenses will be provided by course organisers. ICA will cover the airfare expenses of the selected participants who are ICA members. 

How to apply? 

You can apply by clicking below and completing the application form. All answers to the application form should be given in English. 



  • 27 May – 20 June: call for applications open 
  • 20 June: Deadline for submitting your application 

Questions ?     

If you have questions about this call, please email us at programme@ica.org. 

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