Comma Editorial Board

Comma is the chief serial publication of the International Council on Archives, and a key benefit for ICA members. Its scope is the professional administration and development of archives and archivists worldwide and it aims to be of value to the widest possible readership globally. .

Publishing two issues per year, Comma includes content from ICA Congress and Conferences, reports and studies based on the work of Branches and Sections, and special thematic issues.  The Editorial Board includes members speaking all the ICA languages.

Members of the Editorial Board liaise with ICA sections, branches and expert groups to identify relevant content or develop special issues;  contribute to the coordinating the gathering, editing, and quality control of journal content; contribute translation and editing skills to the production processes. Individual editors often take on responsibility special issues, leading on the production of these with editors drawn from the Section concerned.


Comma Editorial Board Members

  • Forget Chaterera-Zambuko, Editor-in-Chief, Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Frans Smit, Regular Member, Information and Heritage Inspectorate, Netherlands
  • Adrian Cunningham, Regular Member, National Archives of Australia, Retired, Australia
  • Amany Mohamed, Regular Member, Cairo University, Egypt
  • Eléonore Alquier, Regular Member, Institut National Audiovisuel (INA), France
  • João Santos Vieira, Regular Member, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Art Library & Archives, Portugal
  • Martin Ståhl, Regular Member, Stockholm City Executive Office, Sweden
  • Norma Fenoglio Regular Member, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina
  • Pauline Soum-Paris, Regular Member, Bodleian Library, France
  • Andreas Nestl, Regular Member, Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns, Germany
  • Jörg Ludwig, Executive Member, Sächsisches Staatsarchiv, Germany
  • Rosana de Andrés Diaz, Executive Member, Secretaría General Técnica, Ministerio del Interior, Spain
  • Ning Zhang, Regular Member, School of Information Resource Management, Renmin University of China People’s Republic of China
  • Segomotso Masegonyana Keakopa, Regular Member, Senior Lecturer and Project Manager, University Botswana, Botswana
  • Kathryn Lagrandeur, Regular Member, Library and Archives Canada Quebec, Canada
  • Polina Ilieva, Regular Member, University of California, San Francisco, USA
  • Shadrack Katuu, Regular Member, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Kenya
  • Yit Chin Chuan, Regular Member, National Archives of Singapore, Singapore
  • Margaret Crockett, Regular Member, United Kingdom
  • Amanda Leinberger (copyeditor), Regular Member, United Nations (USA)

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