On Tuesday 24 November Hermelinde LANZA Doodoo, acting Director-General of the National Archives of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), met David Leitch, Secretary General, in the offices of the ICA Secretariat in Paris. 

The good news is that the DRC, which left ICA recently, is now able to resume paying its membership dues and should have its membership formally restored early next year.  In addition, David Leitch and Hermelinde Lanza discussed the ICA Africa Strategy, in particular the need to respond to the priorities identified by French-speaking colleagues.  Madame Lanza stressed the importance of increasing training opportunities for her staff, and in this connection David Leitch drew attention to the possibilities offered by the Fund for the International Development of Archives (FIDA).
After her meeting with David Leitch, Hermelinde Lanza took the opportunity to have informal exchanges with the Team of the ICA Secretariat.