The Executive Board (EB) of the ICA took the stage in the beautiful concert hall at the Girona Auditorium and Conference centre on Sunday. Both the outgoing and incoming ICA Presidents were present as the EB members engaged in a lively discussion.

The Executive Board met on Sunday to discuss various issues critical to the organization’s future.  All of ICA’s sections and many of the Regional Branches were represented. Another very encouraging sign was the attendance of senior members of the profession as observers, including the Librarian and Archivist of Canada, and the Deputy Archivist of the United States.  For three of the branch presidents it was their first EB meeting.
The members were presented with “The International Centre of Archival Excellence”, an initiative of the United Arab Emirates. The Board expressed keen interest in the proposal and wanted to know more especially about the centre’s objectives and relation to the ICA. It was agreed that the initiative should be studied further.
Minor alterations were made to “The Strategic Implementation Plan” which will then be submitted to the General Assembly. The EB heard about then PCOM meeting’s results, the imminent start of the renewal of the ICA website and the good preparations concerning conference of 2015 and the congress of 2016.
The Board requested improvements to the quality and accuracy of the financial rapports. The Evaluation Commission was asked to investigate this aspect in the governance procedures. The incoming ICA President emphasised the importance of having a balanced budget.  Adjustments were made to ensure that over the two years 2014 and 2015 this would be achieved.