ICA-SAHR invites you to our next First Tuesday Talk on April 5, 2022


Claudio Ogass Bilbao, PhD student in Archives and Records Management at the University of Liverpool, and Francisco González Villanueva, geologist from the University of Chile


Mapping Climate Change to Protect Archives


The objective of this presentation is to share a methodology under construction to identify the potential risks caused by climate change that threaten the sustainability and content of archives in different parts of the world, based on the experiences and learning from our mapping and georeferencing work in two Latin American cities: Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and Santiago in Chile. Although the preliminary results show that less than 2% are located in dangerous geographical areas, we intend to share the process of our research with the aim that more archivists become aware of the importance of this issue in the planning of the internal tasks of their archivists, institutions and, in turn, develop emergency plans to mitigate possible negative effects. Finally, we are interested in stimulating more studies of this type to configure a multinational response to this problem.


Claudio Ogass Bilbao:
PhD student in Archives and Records Management at the University of Liverpool, Master’s in History from the University of Chile, Diploma in Archives from the Alberto Hurtado University and in Human Rights, Gender and Diversity Archives from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is a member of the Section on Archives and Human Rights of the International Council on Archives (SAHR-ICA) and the Assembly of Archivists of Chile (ASARCH).
Email: c.m.ogass-bilbao@liverpool.ac.uk


Francisco González Villanueva:
Geologist from the University of Chile and member of the environmental NGO Raudal. He volunteers with the Section on Archives and Human Rights of the International Council on Archives (SAHR–ICA).
E-mail: francisco.gonzalez.villanueva@gmail.com


April 5, 2022, 04:00 PM CET

Spanish | 1:07:20 | https://youtu.be/0QEI8hAeHJw


Previous presentations can be accessed on YouTube on the ICA SAHR's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SakaQQ_FV7EFL_4fAp7yw