The International Council on Archives – Section on Archives and Human Rights invites you to its next conference on Tuesday, 1 October 2024 at 16:00 CET (Paris time): 


Human rights, archives and archivists in Argentina: reflections on the practice of archival ethics by Mariana Nazar, vice chair of the ICA Section on Archives and Human Rights


Date and time
1 October 2024 at 16:00 CET (Paris time)
ICA Section on Archives and Human Rights (ICA/SAHR) 
Spanish. Interpretation into other languages will not be delivered.
Date and time
1 October 2024 at 16:00 CET (Paris time)
ICA Section on Archives and Human Rights (ICA/SAHR) 
Spanish. Interpretation into other languages will not be delivered.

The talk is free and open for anyone to join, with recordings made available through the SAHR’s playlist of ICA YouTube channel. Registration is required to receive full details on how to connect to this virtual meeting.  



The social demand for memory, truth and justice in relation to the serious violations of human rights committed by the Argentine State during the last military dictatorship (1976-1983) was part of the demands that human rights organizations made even before the end of the dictatorship. At the same time, the claims regarding the existence and access to documents that account for the terrorist actions of the State have been incessant as they are evidence to establish responsibilities, exercise the rights as well as sources for history. Since the democratic opening in 1983, these demands have had different responses from the state sphere. The public policies followed, the place that Archives have had, and have, in them and the role that archivists have in this context, is the object of this presentation where we will seek to open a dialogue around the possibilities and limitations in the exercise of archival ethics.


Guest Speaker  

Mariana Nazar is a Professor and graduate in History (FFyL-UBA) and archivist (ISFDT No. 8) with a specialization in Archives and Human Rights (ESAGED-UAB). She completed her PhD studies in History (UdeSA) and her thesis is currently being written. She is a researcher at the Knowledge Management, Research and Publications Directorate of the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP) and academic coordinator of the Diploma in Document Management and Administration of Public Archives at the School of Politics and Government of the National University of San Martín (EPyG-UNSAM). She has been an archivist at the National General Archive since 1998. Between 2010 and 2020 she coordinated the Archival Training and Development Program and was part of the creation of the National Historical Documentation System of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Nation. She is a teacher and archival advisor in courses for the National Public Administration and social, political and union organizations. She was a professor at the History Department of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) from 2002 to 2010. She currently teaches postgraduate seminars on archival research at this and other national universities. Between 2018 and 2023 she was coordinator of the Archives and Human Rights Working Group of the Latin American Archives Association (ALA). She is currently vice chair of the ICA Section on Archives and Human Rights, a member of the Association of Archivists in the Argentine Public Service (AFPA) and an adhering member of the International Open Government Academic Network (RAGA).