The International Council on Archives is pleased to announce the five projects selected for funding under the 2025 Fund for the International Development of Archives (FIDA). This initiative provides crucial financial support to projects that contribute to archival development, capacity building, and preservation worldwide. 

We would like to thank all the applicants who submitted their proposals in response to the FIDA Call for Projects 2025. 

FIDA 2025 Funded Projects 


  • Enhancing Records Management capacity for the Establishment of Nairobi City County Government Archives 
    • Kenya 
    • Project leader: Susan Kibaara, Director of the Nairobi City County Government Records Management Department 

This project aims to equip Nairobi County Records Officers with the skills and knowledge to effectively manage the new centralized archives facility. As Nairobi City County prepares to establish this facility, the initiative will focus on ensuring records are preserved, organized, and accessible according to best practices. Training will cover various aspects of archives management, including digitization, records conservation, preservation, classification systems, retrieval processes, and appraisal and disposal.


  • Preservation of Ramallah’s documentary heritage 
    • Palestine 
    • Project leader: Irene Saadeh, Ramallah Municipality 

The project aims to qualify six document restoration trainees from Ramallah City Archives according to international standards. It focuses on providing specialized training in document restoration techniques, ensuring the trainees gain the necessary skills to preserve valuable archival materials. The initiative will align with recognized international preservation standards, enhancing the trainees’ ability to restore and safeguard important documents for future generations. 


  • Preserving and Safeguarding the Western Samoa Independence Collection 
    • Samoa 
    • Project leader: Brandon Oswald, Island Culture Archival Support (ICAS)  

The project focuses on preserving a key collection of records related to Western Samoa’s independence, spanning from the 1930s to the 1980s. It is a hands-on initiative led by ICAS and NARA, involving staff from NARA’s recordkeeping office, who will gain knowledge in preventative preservation. The project will include three half-day preservation workshops, hosted by NARA and presented by Brandon Oswald, with participants from NARA, Ministry Records Management, libraries, and institutions like the University of South Pacific and National University of Samoa Archives and Libra  


  • Te Pūranga Capability Building in Iwi Archives – Lower-Cost Digitisation Training for Iwi Archivists  
    • New Zealand 
    • Project leader: Vicki-Anne Heikell, National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa  

The project aims to build the capability of iwi (Māori tribes) archivists across New Zealand through practical training in developing cost-effective digitisation plans for iwi organisations. Building on a 2022 Te Pūranga wānanga (workshop) pilot, it seeks to equip iwi archivists with the skills and confidence to manage and preserve their archives and taonga (treasures). The initiative addresses both technical and cultural aspects of digitisation, focusing on hands-on experience and practical knowledge in digitisation planning. 


  • Fighting Erasure, Safeguarding Palestinian and Lebanese Archives at Risk: Knowledge Exchange and Global Partnerships for Local Capacity Building and Emergency Preparedness 
    • Palestine/Lebanon (Canada) 
    • Project leader: Dr. Jamila J. Ghaddar, American University of Beirut 

This project addresses the urgent need to provide support and assistance to the archival and heritage sectors in Gaza and other areas affected by the ongoing armed conflict, with particular focus on the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and South Lebanon. In response to the critical need to protect cultural heritage in the region, scholars and archivists from Dalhousie University, Arab American University – Ramallah, American University of Beirut (AUB), and NYU Abu Dhabi, in collaboration with key partners in Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Lebanon, and beyond, have developed this comprehensive initiative. The project will offer training, networking, advocacy, knowledge sharing, and capacity building aimed at improving emergency preparedness, mitigation, and recovery efforts for these invaluable cultural resources. 



Through these projects, the ICA continues its commitment to strengthening archival institutions, safeguarding documentary heritage, and supporting archival professionals worldwide. 

Stay tuned for updates as these projects progress!