ICA is embarking on its next round of strategic planning, with the goal of having a new strategic plan for 2025-2029 ready for the Barcelona General Assembly in 2025. The next strategic plan will be based on your needs, goals, and aspirations for ICA. How should we work together in our association, and what are the most important issues or tasks for us to work on? 

The ICA’s Elected Officers are organizing this process, but the content will come from you over the course of the next year. The first step is a short 7-question survey being sent out via LimeSurvey to all ICA members, both those in good standing and those in the grace period or in arrears. Please look out for this survey in the coming weeks and take five minutes to answer the questions. The survey will be open until the 4th of September. 

After analyzing the survey results, we will begin a series of focus groups, including with ICA groups, to better understand where you think ICA should go next. With that information, we will begin to draft the strategic plan by early 2025. We hope to have a draft plan to share for members’ feedback in the first half of 2025, so we will have time to refine the draft again before Barcelona. 

Before answering the current survey about what our next strategic plan should say, you may want to review our previous plan from 2021, Empowering Archives and the Profession.  We also want to share a preliminary report from the ICA Secretariat on actions our organization has taken over the last four years to fulfill the goals in that plan. 

Please help guide the future of ICA by responding to the survey before the start of September. Your input, and input from members in all parts of the world, is critical for ensuring ICA knows what is important to you. There is also an optional open-ended question where you can share any additional views or advice for the next strategic plan, either about the content, format, or the process for developing it. 

We want to hear from you! 


If you are an ICA member and have not received the link to the survey, please contact us at ica@ica.org     


Results Strategic Plan 2021-2024 - Preliminary report

ICA - International Council on Archives