CASE STUDY 1 – Fond Josep Buil Mayral. By Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI, in Catalan) – Girona City Council (Catalonia)
This fond contains 2.130 photographs dated between 1951 and 1976. Josep Buil was a free lance photographer. He wasn’t a professional photographer during his working period in Girona. He was a founder of the association AFYC (photographic association in Girona) in 1954. He worked in Girona during a period of important urban changes. An important part of the fond consists of artistic images.
Decisions attending the treatment of this fond, considering its specificities, provide methodological criteria in the following issues:
– When there is a multiple relationship between a negative and some prints.
– When artistic works have its original negative and, in some cases, this negative is part of a report.
– When direct prints are the only photographic object to be preserved and we want to treat them in a different way but allowing its accessing as a grouping.