CASE STUDY 6 – Fond Sabadell Television. By Sabadell Municipal Archive (Catalonia)
Sabadell Television’s first broadcast took place the 31st August, 1984. It was created because of the need to fill the local information void which could not be covered by other national or autonomical channels. Sabadell City Hall acquired part of the channel’s found by a purchasing contract on 2003 and the documentation was taken to the Historical Archive head office on 2006. Currently part of the fond is held by former employees of the channel (around 300 videotapes) and negotiations are being conducted in order to incorporate it. The fond contains 2.561 magnetic videotapes (7.500 hours of television broadcast), from 1984 until 1995.
Decisions attending the treatment of this fond, considering its specificities, provide methodological criteria in the following issues:
– When designing the digitization workflow of an analog audiovisual fond stored in magnetic videotapes in poor preservation state and technologically obsolete.
– When appraisal and selection criteria are applied following a roadmap with the purpose to save disk memory.