Le Comité pour les Elections, constitué de Anne-Flore Laloë (Présidente du Comité), Moira Rankin et Ángeles Moreno.
Veuillez trouver ci-dessous une liste de candidats désignés pour le poste de Secrétaire et les postes des Membres ordinaires (voir Partie A ci-dessous); les consignes de vote (Partie B), ainsi qu’un bulletin de vote (Partie C).
A.1. Secrétaire
Une seule personne a été nommé à ce poste. Si le comité directeur de la Section et l’assemblée générale annuelle le ratifient, il  sera élu par acclamation (aucun vote n’est requis). Si vous avez des questions ou commentaires, contactez Anne-Flore Laloë, Présidente du Comité des Élections à anne-flore.laloe@embl.de.
A.1. Bradley Bauer, Librarian for Archives and Special Collections, New York University Abu Dhabi Library, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Brad Bauer, candidate for the position of Secretary in ICA/SUV, has over two decades of experience as an archivist, both in the United States and internationally.  Since 2017, he has served as Librarian for Archives and Special Collections at New York University Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates.  In this position, he supervises functions related to the acquisition, arrangement, description, preservation and provision of access to the department’s holdings of archives and rare publications, which document the social and cultural history of the Gulf and surrounding regions.  Prior to this, Brad served for six years as Chief Archivist at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, USA, and for the previous eight years, was Western European Curator and Associate Archivist for Collection Development at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution Library and Archives, a repository that documents international political movements and conflicts.  In addition, he has worked in several other municipal and federal government libraries and archives in the United States, including the National Archives and Records Administration.  Brad has a bachelor’s degree in History from California State University, Fullerton; a master’s degree in Library and Information Science from the University of California, Los Angeles; and a master’s degree in Liberal Arts from Stanford University.  He has been active in the Society of American Archivists (SAA), serving in a number of sections and roundtables, including the International Archival Affairs Section, where he has been a member of its Ad-Hoc Steering Committee (2012-2013), the first Senior Co-Chair of its reconstituted steering committee (2013-2014), and is currently a member-at-large of that same committee (2019-2022).  He has also been active in several regional archival associations in the United States, including the Society of California Archivists, in which he served a term as president (2011-2012) and as a member of its board (2010-2013).  He has been a Certified Archivist, by examination and re-certification of the Academy of Certified Archivists (USA), since 1998.
A.2. Membres Ordinaires
Il y a cinq personnes nommées candidates pour quatre positions.  Un vote est donc nécessaire. Le bulletin de vote se trouve dans la Partie B. Les candidats sont listés ci-dessous par ordre alphabétique :
A.2.1. Maryna Chernyavska, Researcher in the Kule Folklore Center and the Archivist in the Bohdan Medwidsky Ukrainian Folklore Archives, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
Maryna Chernyavska is originally from Ukraine. Maryna works as an archivist at the Kule Folklore Centre, University of Alberta, Canada. She also administers Alberta on Record – a provincial online database of the Archives Society of Alberta. Maryna holds a Master of Arts degree in Folklore and a Master of Library and Information Studies degree both from the University of Alberta. Her research interests include: community archives, folklore archives, digital archives, traditional knowledge and memory keeping, and cultural heritage. Maryna serves on the Bureau of the International Council on Archives Section on University and Research Institution Archives, where she is responsible for the ICA-SUV website and blog, and is actively involved in other projects. She is also a Co-Chair of the Working Group on Archives of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore.
 A.2.2. Ellen Engseth, Curator, Immigration History Research Center Archives and Head, Migration and Social Services Collections, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
Ellen Engseth is Curator of the Immigration History Research Center Archives and Head of the Migration and Social Services Collections, within Archives and Special Collections at the University of Minnesota Libraries. Previous positions in university archives include University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, North Park University, and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She is active in the Society of American Archivists (SAA) and other U.S.-based professional associations, previously serving on steering, nominations, and conference program committees. She is immediate past chair of the SAA College & University Archives Section. Engseth is also adjunct faculty with the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee’s School of Information Studies, where she occasionally teaches a comparative study abroad class. Current interests include equity, diversity and inclusion work, global competency, access to historical records, community archives, digital humanities, and professional development. Engseth holds a Bachelor of Arts in History, a Master’s degree in History, and a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science, all from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
A.2.3. Garfield Lam, Archivist, Head of Reference and Outreach, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 
Garfield Lam completed his BSSc in German Studies (Hong Kong & Leipzig), MSc (Library and Information Management) (Hong Kong), MA (Merit) in Museum Studies (Sydney) and MLitt in Archives and Records Management (Dundee). He is a member of the Academy of Certified Archivists (USA) and a certified Digital Archives Specialist (USA). He has been working as an Archivist since 2013 starting with the Legislative Council Archives of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government. After being trained in a public archives he moved on to the HSBC Bank working as Archives Manager, using his knowledge of archives and museums in a commercial setting. In 2018 he joined the University Archives of The University of Hong Kong as Reference and Outreach Archivist to promote use of the archival collections of the oldest university in Hong Kong. Garfield has a great interest in culture, language, rare books and medieval manuscripts. He has been attending courses relating to medieval manuscripts and illumination at the London Rare Book School, Scandinavian Manuscripts and Old Norse at University of Copenhagen, Denmark and University of Iceland. Between 2009 – 16 he was awarded five scholarships for professional training by Humboldt-Univeristaet zu Berlin, Germany in order to attend courses relating to international cooperation and development including climate change, conflict resolution and resilience. He is now working towards his Chartership (MCILIP) with the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) in London. He is also mentoring a postgraduate student in Singapore who studies under the Centre for Archives and Information Studies (CAIS) at the University of Dundee.
A.2.4. Yves Lapointe, Director and University Archivist at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Yves A. Lapointe is Director and University Archivist at McGill University in Montreal. He holds a bachelor in history, a certificate in archival studies and a Master’s degree in Library and Information Studies from Université de Montréal. As a freelance archivist, he provided counseling to public and private organisations including five universities for over twenty years. He has developed an expertise in records management systems. He was the Records Management Officer of Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) where he participated in the development and implementation of the institution’s hybrid records management system.
A.2.5. Gabriele Mohale, Acting Head & Archivist, Historical Papers Research Archive & Wits Digitisation Centre, The Library, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Gabriele Mohale was born on the 14 December 1961 in Plauen, a small town in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR). Initially trained as a typesetter, I later studied Printing technologies and subsequently worked at a leading Print Press and Publishing house in (East)Berlin for several years. In 1983 I met my husband who at the time was a member of the African National Congress (ANC) in exile, and we left for the ANC Development Centre in Dakawa / Tanzania, where we lived with our first born daughter until repatriation to South Africa started in 1991. I found employment at the ANC Headquarters until the first democratic elections in South Africa in 1994. Our second child was born in the same year. I later joined the University of the Witwatersrand as an administrative staff member and completed a full degree in Information Science at the University of South Africa, a distance learning institution. I joined the Historical Papers Research Archive in 2007, and registered for a Masters in Heritage Studies by course work at the University of the Witwatersrand, which I completed in 2009. My course work included the core course ‘Public Culture’ and the two courses ‘Archives: Theory and Practice’ and ‘South African History’. Having worked at the Historical Papers Research Archive for more than 12 years, I have been part of digitization projects initiated by our archive, as well as training programs funded by the South African National Research Foundation. We have successfully implemented our archival repository based on AtoM as one of the first Universities in South Africa. At the same time we were also instrumental in accentuating the role and status of archives in civil society, with events and initiatives around ‘Archives and Democracy’, something which I have become passionate about in recent years.
Un bulletin de vote n’est pas nécessaire pour le poste de Secrétaire. Brad Bauer est élu par acclamation, sous réserve de l’approbation du comité directeur de la section et l’assemblée générale annuelle.
Un bulletin de vote est nécessaire pour élire quatre Membres Ordinaires de la section
Veuillez s’il vous plaît, lire les informations sur les candidats de la Partie A, puis : 
Choisissez les candidats/candidates que vous souhaitez élire
Indiquez leurs noms sur le bulletin de vote (section C ci-dessous)
Indiquez vos coordonnées
Envoyez par courriel uniquement (à cause de la pandémie en cours) à Anne-Flore Laloë (anne-flore.laloe@embl.de) avec l’intitulé « ICA-SUV elections »). 
La raison pour laquelle nous demandons vos coordonnées est simplement afin de pouvoir vérifier que vous avez le droit de voter dans cette élection. Afin de voter, vous devez être membre de l’ICA /SUV ou vous devez être représentant/ représentante d’une institution qui est un membre de l’ICA-SUV. Une seule personne sera acceptée comme représentant d’une institution.
Les bulletins de vote doivent être reçus avant le 15 juin 2020.
Les résultats seront publiés le 22 juin 2020.
Veuillez envoyer des bulletins de vote à Anne-Flore Laloë, par courriel uniquement pour cause de la pandémie actuelle à anne-flore.laloe@embl.de.
Partie  C. BULLETIN DE VOTE (2020)
Ci-dessous, indiquez le nom de 4 candidats Membres ordinaires que vous souhaitez élire. Veuillez également indiquer vos propres coordonnées.