Forum des Archivistes Nationaux (FAN)

FAN is an ICA body of the ICA, and it aims to support all ICA members by developing strategic responses that may be applied by all categories of members, not just those eligible for FAN membership.    

It is autonomous and works within the ICA and with other ICA bodies through the FAN President’s membership on the ICA’s Executive Board. It communicates with ICA members by means of reports to the General Assembly and conferences and, where appropriate, through collaboration with the Programme Commission (PCOM) as well as with the ICA’s expert groups and sections.  

The FAN is led by an elected President and a Steering Committee. 


The Forum of National Archivists consists of all those institutional members that are national archival institutions in good standing at the International Council on Archives. Each institutional member has a single vote in FAN elections and at FAN meetings.  

Usually, membership of FAN will be conferred on the person leading the institution (e.g. the national archivist) but the institutional member may, with the agreement of the FAN President, nominate another official from the institution to participate in FAN activities, including service as a member of the Steering Committee. 

FAN Steering Committee 

The FAN Steering Committee is an executive body that shapes FAN’s long-term governance. The Committee is made up of FAN colleagues representing institutions from the four geographical regions of the world defined in the ICA Constitution to ensure effective collaboration between FAN and ICA’s   regional branches: 

  • Africa and the Arab Countries 
  • Asia and Oceania 
  • Europe and North America 
  • Latin America and the Caribbean   

To learn more about the objectives, membership and leadership of FAN, we invite you to review the ICA Internal Regulations (page 19).