Type : Sujets Spécialisés

Ce que vous trouverez dans cette ressource :  

As the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights approached, I began to revise brief commentaries I had written in the early 2010s on the Articles that make up that essential document. This publication is the result of the reviewing and updating the original essays.

Trudy Huskamp Peterson, Certified Archivist.

Langues :

  • Anglais (original)
  • Français
  • Portugais


Voyez les documents en bas et visitez les pages de la section sur les archives et les droits de l’homme (SAHR)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: An Archival Commentary


Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme : réflexions d’une archiviste


A declaração universal dos direitos humanos: um comentário arquivístico
