We would like to thank all the ICA members that submitted applications for the last call of the New Professionals Programme. We received 26 eligible applications from 19 different countries, which were assessed by a group of PCOM members and New Professionals Programme Alumni.
The assessment commenced in September and went through two rounds before the final six were selected. The majority of applications were of a high quality and determining the top applicants was a difficult task.
Priority was given to passionate new professionals who are already informed about the New Professionals Programme, shared a strong interest in supporting the international new professional community, who proposed achievable valuable projects, and clearly explained the benefits of the ICA Abu Dhabi Congress to their professional development. Teamwork, commitment and focused ideas on what the New Professionals Programme can bring them and what they can bring to the Programme are also common qualities of the successful applicants.
Our congratulations to the six Active New Professionals for 2023:
Rebecca Adams, United Kingdom
Randolphe Hildebert Aglikpo, France (from Benin)
Lars Smaaberg, Norway
Dinza Tang-Irmi, Chad
Saman Quraishi, India
Gaelle Stephan, Lebanon
We will announce the Mentors of these six Active New Professionals by January 2023 so stay tuned for more updates on the Mentoring Programme!
If you would like to know more about the New Professionals Programme, please contact the New Professionals Programme Coordinator at newprofessionals@ica.org.