ICA governance is rooted in the principles of democracy, transparency, and accountability.
ICA governance is the responsibility of two main bodies. The General Assembly (GA), an annual event, is the highest decision-making authority in the ICA. It establishes the association’s long-term strategy and oversees its management. It is composed of ICA members in good standing and is chaired by the ICA President.
In between GA sessions, the Executive Board (EB) is responsible for implementing GA decisions and, if required, proposing changes in strategic direction. This governing body is composed of:
- The ICA President
- The two elected Vice-Presidents
- The President of the Forum of National Archivists
- The President of the Forum of Professional Associations
- The Presidents of the Regional Branches
- The Chairs of the Professional Sections
- A Member at Large for membership Category D
- A representative of the ICA Secretariat host country
Evaluation Commission
The ICA knows that its ability to deliver on its strategic plans is critical to its own success and the achievements of its members. Its Evaluation Commission (ECOM) therefore has a vital role in evaluating ICA programme performance, internal and external communications, and governance.
ECOM consists of a Chair and four members appointed by the General Assembly on recommendations from the Executive Board. It informs the EB of its findings and is accountable to the General Assembly.
Programme Commission
The Programme Commission (PCOM) is an elected-based body responsible for preparing and implementing ICA’s professional and technical programme, for coordinating the activities of the Regional Branches, Sections and Working Groups, and for the professional content of international ICA congresses, conferences, seminars and symposia.
It also creates Expert Groups in the main areas of professional activity, provides them with terms of reference and monitors their progress.
The Vice President Programme has ultimate responsibility for PCOM and acts as its Chair.
For more details about upcoming meetings of our governance main bodies, please contact us at ica@ica.org.
Programme Commission
Executive Board
Executive Board
Programme Commission
General Assembly