7th International Conference ARCHIVES (CISA): Call for participation
The Conférence Internationale Supérieure d’archives (CISA) is holding an international seminar from 1st to 5th October 2018 in Paris. The seminar will provide participants the opportunity to meet and discuss topical issues in the field of digital archiving and provide a forum to exchange and debate ideas based on the practices of each in a reflexive and comparative approach.
The CISA is identified as an asset to share methodology and to favour the developing new solutions in collaboration mode.
The main language of the conference will be French but a simultaneous translation into English will be provided.
The International Higher Archival Conference (CISA) is directed at senior Archives staff as well as experienced professionals in other fields such as: project managers, service managers, archivists-experts, teacher-researchers and others concerned with archiving) .
This year, the seminar will be open to archives and information professionals from the ASEAN countries (Burma, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) as well as those from Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka.
The Seminar will be managed by CISA to be as interactive as possible and aims to involve participants inn case studies that will foster collective thinking, enable the discussion of cross-cultural experiences and sharing best practices from different countries and different types of archiving.
The debates will focus, in particular, on archives in the digital ecosystem. They will allow reflection on issues related to digital forms (collection, evaluation, sustainability of digital information, issues related to the re-use of public data, and the implications for changes in trades and professional training).
These discussions aim to contribute to a global discussion about the governance of digital information and to the possibility of identifying possible strategies and comparative examples of scenarios, for institutions, countries and to the potential for international cooperation.
French and English written summary of the proceedings will be distributed to each of the participants.
The registration form should be submitted to the SCAC, Cultural Affairs Department of the French Embassy in your country -see attached document- and communicated to us through the Embassy Services.
A copy of Intervention proposals and registrations for conference participations, in French or in English, might be send to the following address: cisa.dgp-formation@culture.gouv.fr
Ministry of culture
General Directorate of Heritage
Department of Scientific and Technical Education
56 rue des Francs-Bourgeois 751410 Paris cedex 03 – FRANCE
Consult the website of the Ministry of Culture and Communication