This is the most recent statement developed by ICA and the International Conference of Information Commissioners, supported by ARMA InternationalCODATADigital Preservation CoalitionResearch Data AllianceUNESCO Memory of the World and World Data System.

The statement is built on three principles: Decisions must be documented, records and data should be secured and preserved in all sectors, and the security, preservation, and access to digital content should be facilitated during the shutdown.

We hope the archives, records, data and allied communities will support the statement and join us in underscoring the importance of the duty to document, now and for the future.

Download the Statement in English here

The Statement is also available in French at the bottom of the page.

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COVID-19: The duty to document does not cease in a crisis, it becomes more essential

COVID-19: El deber de documentar no cesa en una crisis, se vuelve más esencial

COVID-19 – Bien documenter : un devoir plus que jamais essentiel en période de crise