What is an Archive? What does it mean to the records and archives communities? What does it mean to our users? How do we empower knowledge societies in the 21st Century?
Taking inspiration from ALA, ICA’s Latin American branch, we are inviting the global archival community to join us for our first social media campaign called #UnArchivoEs, #AnArchiveIs, #UneArchiveCest.
Starting 30 April culminating on International Archives Day (Tuesday 9th June), we are calling the archival community, its users and the general public to contribute their view and opinions on what #AnArchiveIs to them.
During this week we are inviting our members to find innovative ways to engage our users, even though our physical buildings may be closed, we can still engage them from afar. Let’s not only consider new and innovative ways to reach out to people to tell them about why archives and records are important, but it is also time to rethink our definition of archives!
The International Archives Week and #UnArchivoEs give us the opportunity to use our online and social media platforms to:
- value and advocate for the archival and records communities and the important work they do,
- collaborate with sister organizations and engage our users (e.g. general public, researchers etc) in a discussion about archives and records and;
- re-imagine what archives and records services do and the role they play in today’s society.
Use #IAW2020 and #UnArchivoEs and check out our social media package to download GIFs, quote cards, videos, banners and customizable posters to share your thoughts with the world!
- Spread the word with your community by sharing with them David Fricker’s video (ICA President) welcoming everyone to join us and participate in this amazing campaign.
- Check out our animated GIFs illustrating the great work we do as archivists and record managers!
- Find themed visual materials available in three languages: English, French and Spanish (most of it are in Portuguese too).
All of these resources are available to everyone!
Archiving #AnArchiveIs
The #AnArchiveIs campaign is the first ICA social media campaign to be archived, thanks to the collaboration of the Association of Archivists and Record Managers of Catalonia (AAC-GD)!
All tweets related to the campaign are captured and archived in a dedicated archive by the AAC-GD, which is also working with ICA to establish a long-term ICA social media archiving strategy.