It’s just over two months until the ICA Congress in Abu Dhabi! Can you believe it? We’ve put together an incredible 5-day programme with speakers from all over the world and we can’t wait to exchange ideas and learn together with all of you! Aside from all of the wonderful sessions and workshops, you can also look forward to the invited keynote speeches, the Gala Dinner, the different local tours and so much more. 
If you have not registered yet, all of the details about the fees for Congress can be found here:
Register here!
Registration to the Congress gives you access to discounted flights, hotels, shuttles and more. Find all those details here.   
Exploring Emerging Technologies and Sustainable Knowledge 
The second sub-theme for Congress is Emerging Technologies: Electronic Records, Electronic Solutions. 
Within this sub-theme, we will explore the several debates that are being exposed currently as we face the digital era. Particularly in our sector, tech enthusiasts argue that the tools to produce authentic digital records are available now. Thus, implementing them is a matter of decision and budget. However, not a week passes by without hearing in the news about a worldwide disruption of a digital service in one form or another. Others see an opportunity in this gigantic metamorphosis to the digital atmosphere. Whether in the field of AI, blockchain, or machine learning, this theme wants to explore what emerging technologies will bring to documentation, records, and archives. Will emerging technologies bring solutions or become additional burdens? This theme will shed light on the challenges facing archivists and records managers in their quest to incorporate new technologies into our tasks and operations. It also aims to provide a wider space to share success stories and experiences with emerging technologies in the fields of records management and archiving. 
This sub-theme will feature 12 sessions: 
Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning (1) and (2) 
Big Data, Data Preservation and the Public Interest 
Becoming Digital 
Digital Preservation 
Tools and Systems 
Technology and Technological Change Management 
Preserving Online Archives 
Innovative Digital Records Management 
Emerging Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges for Digital Preservation 
Transforming Government Archives 
Implications of the Metaverse 
The third sub-theme for Congress is Sustainable Knowledge, Sustainable Planet: Archives, Records and Climate Change. 
Sustainable knowledge is fundamental to sustainable development and the achievement of development initiatives like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In particular, Goal 13 “Climate Action”, requires us all to re-assess the impact that our practices are having on the environment, and to adopt modernisation strategies that extend the reach of archives while achieving net-zero carbon emission targets. Achievement of all Sustainable Development Goals relies heavily on the long-term availability of trustworthy information. Archives are social institutions that must maintain the public’s trust and provide that trustworthy information in a form that is easily discovered, used and re-used for public discourse, education, scientific research and government policymaking. It must also be recognised that many archival collections are themselves threatened by the effects of climate change – including rising sea levels, severe weather events as well as the adverse economic effects that deny funding for the sustainability of preservation and access programs. 
This sub-theme will feature 9 sessions: 
Archives Addressing Climate Change 
Climate Change and Archives: How they intersect and Possible Mitigations 
Greening Information Management for Sustainable Development 
Creativity in Sustaining Digital Heritage 
Data Storage and Long-term Preservation: Practices, Challenges, and Innovative Initiatives 
Sustainable Archival Knowledge 
Technological Approaches to Sustaining Digital Archives 
Preservation of Analog and Audiovisual Archives in the Face of Climate Change 
The Archival Profession Addresses Climate Change 
Take a look at the full programme:  
Live searchable programme  
PDF programme 
We hope to see you in #ICACongressAbuDhabi2023!