ICA is pleased to announce that it’s new strategic plan was approved at the first virtual Annual General Assembly on Monday 16 November 2020. The plan reflects the views and opinions shared during the campaign ICA by its members, for its members and represents the input from members from across the association. We are grateful for the input that members made via surveys, focus groups and interviews to help the ICA governance develop this strategic plan. The plan is built on three pillars ‘Networked and Collaborative’, ‘Transparent, Accountable and Inclusive’ and ‘Empowered, Empowering and Relevant’.
Watch the recording of the webinar we hold on 27 November 2020 to present the findings from ICA by its members, for its members, in more detail and the genesis of Empowering Archives and the Profession, including constitutional reforms that we have undertaken to start aligning ICA with the ambitions set out in the strategic plan. Join us!
Below members will find the strategic review with more detailed goals for each pillar, we hope that you will take the time to read and give us views during the webinar or via ica@ica.org
Thank you again to the membership for your input and your incredible work! ICA would not exist without you and your contributions.