Section of Local, Municipal and Territorial Archives – SLMT

Welcome to the Section for Local, Municipal and Territorial Archives. The expansion of the section, which used to be the Section for Municipal Archives, was approved by ICA Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Oslo on 17 September 2010.

Our constitution, which appears in full in the governance chapter of these pages, commits us to:

  1. Promoting professional and scholarly co-operation among local, municipal and territorial archives throughout the world
  2. Gathering and disseminating information relating to local, municipal and territorial archives throughout the world
  3. Representing the interests of local, municipal and territorial archivists
  4. Liaising between local, municipal and territorial archives and ICA’s bodies.

The section is made up of institutional and individual members, both currently in work or retired. These membership categories as well as the constitution of ICA provide good opportunities for SLMT for participation and influence within ICA.

Local archives of the various kinds are characterized by working closely with local authorities and close to the citizens. SLMT therefore promotes services and ideas that help archives to be involved in local administration and to manage records in safe, transparent and up-to-date manners. SLMT also supports archives to connect to communities and create sense of belonging and citizenship. SLMT promotes initiatives that help people connect across cities, regions and countries and to gain access to their own history as well as to the history of their communities. Keep an eye on our calendar and spot webinar and business meetings that may interest you.

These web pages are for you to improve and add to. Please contact our webmaster, Mies (

On behalf of the Executive Committee I wish all members the best possible conditions for the local and regional archival work within the large ICA community.


Søren Bitsch Christensen, Director, City Archivist Aarhus City Archives

Chair SLMT