“Archivists at home” began as brainstorming advocacy tool by the Accessibility & Disability Section (Society of American Archivists) for developing a more flexible concept of archival labor, whether it is archivists working from home due to COVID-19 or archivists with disabilities.  The document has evolved in scope to address needs of the archival community grappling with COVID-19 broadly, ranging from the workplace, choosing to temporarily close an archives, to working from home, supporting student and contingent workers, and a new section on flipping the narrative of COVID-19.
While many salaried archivists will have the institutional support and work-supplied technology to work from home, student workers, hourly, contract, and independent archivists will be hurting during this time, losing wages (which may precariously be tied to health insurance and retirement benefits) and contracts.  Advocate for your students workers and hourly/part-time employees to also be able to do remote work. 
Read more about this initiative here
Stay healthy and safe, everyone!