The Caribbean Literary Heritage project, based primarily at the University of East Anglia, is developing a number of important new initiatives.
The project has the following aims, in respect of literary materials from the Caribbean region, seeking to:
create a fuller literary history of the period 1940-1980
recover stories of forgotten writers and writings
help writers to become more aware of what to save of today’s manuscripts and papers for tomorrow’s researchers
develop case studies of writers, especially those writing from the region, that seek to understand the opportunities and challenges for their creative and collecting practices
bring together academics, archivists and writers from the UK, Caribbean and beyond to discuss the changing nature of Caribbean literary archives across the twentieth and twenty-first centuries
create an open-access resource that maps where Caribbean writers’ papers can be found
enrich open access knowledge sources, such a Wikipedia, with entries on Caribbean writers, their papers, and literary archives in the region
work with and take guidance from senior figures in the region including the project’s official advisors
For more information, visit the Caribbean Literary Heritage website.