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Are you interested in coming to the ICA Congress in Abu Dhabi but need financial support? The Abu Dhabi 2023 Bursary Program will provide funding assistance for up to 300 individuals to travel to Abu Dhabi and attend the Congress in October 2023. 

The Bursary Program is designed to enable as many people as possible to actively participate in the Congress, especially those that may otherwise lack the financial means to come to Abu Dhabi. The program is a part of our aim to have a dynamic, diverse and representative community in Abu Dhabi to discuss the issues that matter most to our profession. 

Depending on the particular needs of the recipient, the bursaries may cover all or some of the following expenses: 

Return economy airfare to Abu Dhabi from the recipient’s closest airport 
UAE airport transfers, in shared coaches 
Hotel accommodation, with breakfast included 
Congress registration – which provides food and beverage during the Congress, venue transfers in shared coaches 
Application fees for a UAE Visa 

The deadline is fast approaching! You have until this Sunday, 21 May to apply! 

Apply here