While archives and archivists have made great strides in the last few years, in many countries there is still more to be done. The ICA Fund for the International Development of Archives’ (FIDA) role is to support the development of archives and archivists in countries, regions and communities where archives and records provision could be strengthened due to lack of resources or training opportunities, or for other reasons.
FIDA is a distinct programme of awards to support projects seeking to develop an archive or to support individual archivists, through career development, mentoring and other methods, to enable archives and their archivists to acquire professional and management competencies needed to manage the archives in their countries, regions or communities. Awards are normally for one year, and the maximum award is € 10.000.
To achieve this purpose, once a year, the FIDA Board of Directors invite members to submit proposals for ICA/FIDA support for archival projects.
The Call for Projects 2023 will be open until the 31st of August 2022.
You must be a member in good standing to be eligible for funding.
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If you cannot register, please contact us at members@ica.org or request a new password using your username or registered email address at the following link.
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Join us to apply for funding and become part of our international community!
For more information about FIDA Call for Projects 2023, we invite you to visit the following link