Following the celebration by the African Union of the year 2021 as the year of Arts, Culture and Heritage, which coincides with the 10th anniversary of its foundation, the Archives of Morocco has organized, on June 9 and 10, 2022, in partnership with the École nationale des chartes – PSL (Paris), the École des sciences de l’information (ESI, Rabat), the Haute école de Genève, and the International Council on Archives’ Africa Programme, a symposium dedicated to the theme “Archives in Africa: State of play and perspectives”.
On the occasion of this African meeting, aimed at highlighting the South-South dialogue in the field of archives, the organizers would also like to mount an exhibition entitled “AFRICARCHIVES” which will host specimens of documents representing the various participating countries. Colleagues are therefore invited to contribute to the success of this exhibition by sending the organizers a selection of HD scans of archives from their respective countries.
This event will take place in French.
Find more information about the event here and take a look at the full programme here.