As you will know, the country originally selected to host the Conference in 2013 withdrew its invitation last July, in the light of a severe deterioration in its economic position.
Since the Congress in Brisbane last August, the elected officers and the Secretariat have been assiduously following up several options for an alternative venue. At this stage it is not possible to announce a venue or a date, but we are continuing to pursue negotiations with a great sense of urgency. It is likely that the Annual Conference will take place in the period between the beginning of October and the middle of November. However, it is rather unlikely that at such short notice any potential host will be able to find the funds necessary to finance an event over a full five days, so the length of Conference may well have to be shorter than usual. While offering some professional content, the Conference may have to focus on essential governance business, with less scope for side-meetings and meetings of associated organizations.
We hope to announce the place and dates of the 2013 Conference within the next few weeks. We will of course post the news on the home page of the ICA website and send an alert on the list serv as soon as we are in a position to do so. Meanwhile the office-holders and
Secretariat would like to thank ICA’s members for their considerable patience in this highly unusual situation.