European Regional Branch – EURBICA

European Regional Branch

The European Branch of the International Council on Archives was re-launched in 2016, following an extensive survey of its members. It is the main pan-European professional body which covers archival activity in and outside the European Union. Providing a wide sweep of support and interest to all European archivists without re-inventing the wheel is an important element of the EURBICA business plan. Eurbica has recently been elected to sit on the Europeana Governing Board for the next 2 years, from 1st July 2017. The branch now has observer status on the European Archives Group. The branch also has ready access to EBNA, through members of its Executive Committee.


EURBICA is a virtual branch in that its General Assemblies are held virtually to ensure a wider participation. With over 900 members, EURBICA is one of the largest entities within ICA.

The branch is managed by its Executive Committee which elected its officers in December 2016 for a four year term, as follows:

  • Chair: Charles Farrugia (1st Jan 2019-31st Dec 2020)
  • Vice chair: Karin Van Honacker (1st Jan 2017-31 Dec 2020)
  • Secretary: Karin Van Honacker (1st Jan 2017-31st Dec 2020)
  • Facebook page editor and webmistress: Mies Langelaar (1st Jan 2017-31st Dec 2020)
  • Elections scrutineer: John Chambers
  • Executive Committee members: Vlatka Lemic, Odile Welfele, Deborah Jenkins


The Executive Committee’s key role is to ensure that information about professional activities and conferences within EURBICA are widely publicised. The EURBICA Facebook page, launched in January 2017, is a good place to advertise the events which members are preparing and the newsletters issued by professional bodies in the European Region.

EURBICA sees its priorities as professional solidarity and shared expertise: it offers a neutral space for professional discussion.