Southeast Asian Regional Branch – SARBICA


Southeast Asia Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (SARBICA) is the first Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives. It was established at an inaugural Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 9 July 1968. The year 2008, marked the 40th anniversary of SARBICA has helped foster professional relationship between archival institutions within the region.



  • To establish, maintain and strengthen relations between archivists of all countries in the region, and between all institutions, professional bodies and organizations which are concerned with the custody, organization or administration of archives;
  • To promote all measures for the preservation, protection and defence against all manner of hazards of archival heritage of the region, and to further the progress of all aspects of the administration and preservation of these archives;
  • To facilitate the use of archives of the region by making them more widely known and by encouraging greater ease of access;
  • To promote, organize and co-ordinate activities in the field of archives in the region;
  • To sponsor professional training of archivists in the region;
  • To co-operate other organizations or institutions concerned with the documentation of human experience, and the used of the documentation for the benefit of mankind;
  • To executive the general objectives of International Council on Archives (ICA) as set out in chapter III of the Constitution.