Information for Nomination and Election of Candidates
The Section Bureau of the ICA-SUV is an elected body whose role is to steer the section’s activities and priorities for the benefit of all its members. The Section Bureau is currently constituted of: a Chair/President, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary and eight Executive Members. You can find their names here.
With this call for nominations, we begin the election process required for 2022 by the ICA-SUV electoral protocol. In this election cycle, the following positions need to be filled: Chair, Vice Chair, and four Executive Members. The new members of the Section Bureau will take office at the section’s Annual General Meeting in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in September 2022.
Nominations and ballots may be returned by e-mail, not later than the 1 April 2022. Please find below further information on the nomination process and a nomination form and further deadlines. You can find a list of the current ICA-SUV members here. 
Members are asked to respond promptly so that we can keep to the schedule and to send nominations and ballots to Gabriele Mohale  [please use “ICA-SUV Nomination Form” as the subject of the email.]
Due to expire in September 2022 are the terms of the Chair, Vice Chair and four Executive Members:
Chair: Caroline Brown (UK)
Vice-Chair: Susanne Belovari (US)
Executive Members: Anne-Flore Laloë (Germany); Stacy Belcher Lee (Hong Kong S.A.R., China); Henry Alexander Rengifo Sanchez (Colombia); Eva Roca Marquès (Spain)
All of the above members may run for re-election if they wish.
The Section Bureau members elected in 2022 will serve a usual four-year term. Members are expected to be able to secure institutional support for attendance at least one Section Bureau meeting or conference a year. Although it is not necessary that the complete complement of the Section Bureau attend every meeting, it is important that the Chair and Secretary and a majority of the Section Bureau attend. Meetings are also held by video conference throughout the year. Members are expected to play an active role in the Section so should ensure they have the time and/or institutional support to do so. The official work of the ICA is carried out in French and English, and ICA-SUV has members around the world so the command of languages other than English is beneficial for candidates. 
Information on the nomination process
Members may send in nominations for the positions which are open:
Four Executive Members
Nominees must be members of ICA-SUV.
Please complete the Nomination Form below. Nominations must include:
the name of the ICA-SUV member making the nomination
the name of the member seconding the nomination 
an indication that permission has been obtained from the nominee to place their name in nomination 
a short paragraph of biographical/professional information on the nominee.  It is highly desirable that this information should be prepared by the nominee or in consultation with the nominee.
All persons whose nominations include the above will appear on the ballot.
A four-member Nominating Committee has been appointed by the Chair/President of the ICA-SUV. The Nominating Committee will verify that nominees are willing to be on the ballot. The Nominating Committee may add names to the ballot if a full complement is not received.  The Nominating Committee may add names to the ballot to balance the geographical representation of the nominees. Members of the Nominating Committee may not run for office.
Members of the Nominating Committee for 2022 are:
Gabriele Mohale, Chair for the Nominating Committee
Ángeles Moreno
Brenda Gunn
Garfield Lam
The nomination and election will adhere to the following timetable:
15 February 2022: Nomination form sent to SUV members by the Nominating Committee.
1 April 2022: Closing date for nominations. Completed nomination forms must be emailed by midnight (UTC) on 1 April, to be considered.
18 April 2022: Election ballot sent out. Election ballots must be returned by email to be counted.
31 May 2022: Election closes. All votes must be received by this date.
Announcement of the election winners will appear on the Section listserv after the election result is declared and on the website of the section.
Nomination form:
This nomination form must be emailed by midnight (UTC) on 1 April 2022 to be considered.
Please provide the following information, making sure to include a short paragraph of biographical/professional information about the nominee.
Name of the ICA/SUV member nominated:
Position nominated for:
Name of the ICA/SUV member making the nomination:
Name of the ICA/SUV member seconding the nomination:
Has the person nominated agreed to his/her nomination?  Yes / No
Short paragraph on biographical/professional information about the nominee:
If you wish to make more than one nomination OR nominate one person for more than one role, please copy this form as many times as needed.
Return to: Gabriele Mohale  [please use “ICA-SUV Nomination Form” as the subject of the email.]