To all archivists and records managers around the world,To all the ICA members spread around the globe,
I wish you a happy International Archives Day!
This year’s International Archives Day theme “Archives, Citizenship and Interculturalism” resonates with our ICA mission to encourage and support the development of archives in all countries while respecting cultural diversity.
Through the sharing of experiences, research and archival records management we enrich and strengthen our role as archivists. In supporting accountability, access to records and good governance, we are directly contributing to democracy and the enhancement of citizen’s rights.
Congratulations to all of you who have organised an event around the theme “Archives, Citizenship and Interculturalism” for today. Your involvement in International Archives Day highlights the rich contribution archival collections make to the world and the essential role of the archivists. Thanks to the international map on its website, ICA has increased your standing and your visibility. As of tomorrow, I encourage you to show what you organised and to send us the photos of your event !
Furthermore, I welcome you to join us for the Latin American Regional Branch (ALA)-ICA annual Conference in Mexico City from 27-29 November under the same theme “Archives, Citizenship and Interculturalism”. It promises to be an exciting program of events and I encourage your attendance.
Looking ahead, these 2018 we will celebrate ICA’s 70th anniversary. I hope to see you celebrate the International Archives Day 2018 under the annual theme that will be announced in November 2017 and with the layout which will be available on the ICA website by January 2018.
Once again Happy International Archives Day to all!
David Fricker
President of ICA