Bringing a range of new voices, the seminar series will continue on Tuesday, 23 April with the second virtual seminar about Archives and Social Justice. This session will consider the role of archives, and our roles as archivists, in relation to social justice. The papers selected for this seminar were chosen from the call for papers launched last year. The titles and presenters of these papers are
- Queer Memory as Method in a Polarised Public Sphere – Ammel Sharon
- Climate Change’s Impacts in Latin American National Archives: adaptation and mitigation – Claudio Ogass Bilbao, Mabel Tapia Ponce, Francisco González Villanueva and Oscar Zamora Flores
- Collecting the Ordinary: The Developing Practice of Youth Records – Itza A. Carbajal
- Language archives and linguistic justice: a gap in archival theory – Rubèn Fernánde
This second virtual seminar will be moderated by Simon Froude, Director-General, The National Archives of Australia. Each paper will be followed with time for questions.
The seminar series is organized by the New Professional Programme (NPP) in collaboration with the Forum of National Archivists (FAN). This virtual event is part of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the ICA New Professionals Programme.
The seminar is free and open for anyone to join. Registration is required to receive full details on how to connect to this virtual meeting.