A call for nominations is currently open in order to elect the Asia and Oceania member of the Forum of National Archivists (FAN) Steering Committee.
The FAN Steering Committee is comprised of:
The President of FAN.
Four elected members, one from each of four ICA world regions (as specified in article 5.1.i of the ICA Constitution), to ensure effective collaboration between FAN and the ICA’s regional branches:
Africa and the Arab countries
Asia and Oceania
Europe and North America
Latin America and the Caribbean
Up to three members appointed by the President to provide expertise on, or leadership of, key aspects of the FAN work programme.
Ex-officio members: the President of the ICA, the Vice-President Finance, the Vice-President Programme, the President of the Forum of Professional Associations and the Executive Director of the ICA.
The proper performance of the duties of FAN Steering Committee member requires a significant commitment of personal time and draws on the support of their employer institution. The role is voluntary, and no remuneration is offered, nor can be accepted, for the performance of the functions of the office.
Are you Interested in Applying?
Eligibility for the position of Asia and Oceania member of the FAN Steering Committee is restricted to heads of member institutions in category A (in good standing) of the relevant ICA world region (Asia and Oceania). The member of the FAN Steering Committee is elected for a term of two years and may seek re-election for one consecutive term.
A working level knowledge of either English or French (the official languages of the ICA) is highly desirable.
Applicants are asked to submit the following documents, in English or French:
a statement of intent (500 words maximum),
a short CV (two pages maximum),
one letter of support from another member of FAN (category A voting member of the ICA in good standing).
Find out more about the call here.
Applicants have until 16 June 2023, 23:59 (CET), to send their applications to the Secretariat (elections@ica.org).