Type: Tools

What you will find in this resource:

We are facing a new era in the management of photographic heritage. In only a few years, things have changed so drastically that we can no longer address this heritage with the same attitudes, aptitudes and tools that were previously sufficient. My aim is tolay out an itinerary about these transformations, to encourage professional reflection regarding obsolete working models so that our future services and professionals act in the best public interest. The following is my proposals to that effect.


  • English
  • French

Visit the Photographic and Audiovisual Archives Working Group (PAAG) pages

Photographic and Audiovisual Archives Working Group - PAAG
Member only

Guide 7: Managing Photographic Heritage

Photographic and Audiovisual Archives Working Group - PAAG
Member only

Guide 7: La Gestion du Patrimoine Photographique
