We would like to thank all the applicants who submitted their proposals for the FIDA Call for Projects 2023. The FIDA Boards of Directors had the chance to assess initiatives from different parts of the world, including Zimbabwe, Chile, Ecuador, Angola and Kiribati, among others. 
We will share updates and announce more details on the selected projects 2023 in the next months. If you would like to know more about the accepted proposals, stay tuned to our website and social media channels!   
List of the FIDA Projects 2023  
Project: Capacity building of personnel assigned to the Archives of Cadastral Brigades and Land Titles on the modernization of the management and preservation of land record  
Submitted by: Association des Professionnels Bibliothécaires, Archivistes et Documentalistes du Burundi (APROBAD) 

Project: Appraising, Preserving and Processing the Backlog of Records at the Kiribati National Archives and Library 
Submitted by: Island Culture Archival Support, Kiribati National Library and Archives 

Project: Conservation, organization, digitization and dissemination of the popular photographic archive call “Foto Serrano – Bogotá”
Submitted by: Archivo General de la Nación de Colombia

Project: Tatuoca Magnetic Observatory Archive (TTB): rescue, digitization and data extraction from physical records from the period 1957-2007
Submitted by: Cristian Berrio Zapata