The 2012 FIDA Call for projects is closed.
The Trustees of the ICA Fund for the International Development of Archives (FIDA) invites members, branches and others to submit proposals for ICA support for archival projects for 2012.
All documents are attached, scroll down to consult them or to download them.
We encourage applications which contribute to archival development which, for the purposes of these awards, means in practical terms, that any applicant organization or individual must consider where they are now professionally and organizationally and what they need to do to develop. To aid this process the Trustees will expect applicants to have referred to and, where appropriate, to have assessed themselves using the PARBICA self-assessment checklist as a guide and to explain in their application what they want to develop and how they intend to do it. Other archives will need to do their own self-assessment similarly. The ICA secretariat will be able to advise on likely partners and specialists, if these are required, and on any other matter relating to the Awards.
The FIDA awards are specifically for the development of archives and archivists (not just national ones) in developing countries where there is a clear need and a good proposal for helping archival development there. PCOM is about developing products, methods and services which can be used or adapted for use in a wide range of regions and cultures. The two are distinct but complementary.
The maximum amount available for each project is up to 10,000 Euros. In any one year the Trustees will expect to give awards which, together, amount to no more than 25,000 Euros
Applications received will be circulated among the Trustees up to mid-July 2012 and reviewed at the FIDA Trustees meeting during the course of the Brisbane Congress, 19-24 August. The results will be published by mid October 2012. The preparation and signing of the contracts for the successful applicants will take place during November. An interim report on funded projects will be expected by March/April 2013, and a final report will be due at the end of that year (December 2013) or at the end of the project if previously agreed.
FIDA application forms and support documents are attached below in English and in Spanish.