Type: Specialist Subjects

What you will find in this resource: 

This toolkit is a guide for anyone who would like to offer a workshop on the topic of Elevator Pitches. It’s a tool for advocacy on archives and records management, a way to explain and communicate on a better way what our profession do and the value of archives.


  • English
  • Norwegian
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish 


Visit the Section of Professional Associations (SPA) pages

Associated documents

Toolkit on holding an Elevator Pitch Workshop


Grupo de herramientas para la celebración de un Taller de Elevator Pitch


Verktoykasse: Slik arrangerer du en workshop om heistaler


Trousse a outils organiser un atelier sur l’argumentaire éclair


Handreichung: Wie gestalte ich ein Seminar über Elevator Pitches.pdf
