Designing the Archive
Join us in Adelaide, South Australia, from 21 to 25 October 2019.
The conference theme Designing the Archive is about putting people at the centre of what we do. It provides an opportunity to explore how data and information managers, records managers and archivists are using, or can use, human-centred design approaches to ensure we deliver benefits to citizens, customers, stakeholders and communities.
The program aims to explore the use of empathy, creativity, innovation, experimentation, prototyping, and co-design in the development of recordkeeping systems, information governance frameworks, archival programs and services, archive buildings and spaces, or digital archives.
The program also provides an opportunity to explore how we manage records and archives of the design process itself across a range of industries from architecture to fashion, engineering to environmental management.
Designing the Archive is an international archives conference presented by the Australian Society of Archivists (ASA), Archives and Records Association of New Zealand Te Huinga Mahara (ARANZ), the International Council on Archives (ICA) and the Pacific Regional Branch International Council on Archives (PARBICA).

Registration Closed

- January 2019 – call for submissions opens
- 21 March 2019 (deadline extended) – call for submissions closes
- End of April / early May – notification accepted proposals
- 22 May 2019 – conference registration opens
- 19 – 23 October – ICA Meetings
- 21 October 2019 – ASA SIGs and AGM
- 22 – 24 October 2019 – Conference (3 days) and ICA General Assembly (22 October)
- 25 October 2019 – ICA/NAA Indigenous Summit, workshops and cultural visits