2022 marks the final year of the mandate of two of our top volunteers: the ICA President and the Vice-president Finance. Along with the Vice-president Programme, these three leaders of the ICA community constitute the group of Elected Office‐Holders (or Elected Officers), who are in charge of guiding and implementing the organization’s strategic direction on a managerial, financial, and programmatic level.
According to the ICA Constitution, in article 5 “Elected Office‐Holders and their Powers”, all three Elected Officers shall have a mandate of four (4) years that shall be staggered. They may seek one renewal of their mandate, for a further four (4) years. Regarding how they are elected, the Constitution recommends that elections should be spread out to avoid a vacancy.
Calls for Nominations: ICA President and Vice-president Finance
Following this recommendation, two electoral processes are currently open, and their results will be presented at the next ICA General Assembly programmed in September 2022. For the election of the positions of the ICA President and the ICA Vice-president Finance for a new mandate from 2022 to 2026, two calls of nominations have been published between April and May for those interested in submitting their dossiers.
Between July and August, depending on the number of candidates, all ICA members, categories A, B, C, and D (1), in good standing, will be able to vote for their preferred candidate. The election will be conducted in accordance with the Constitution which was approved by the Extraordinary General Assembly on 20 October 2021. The following weighting system applies:
ICA Member Category | How many votes does each category member have for this election? (2) |
Category A | 4 votes |
Category B | 2 votes |
Category C | 2 votes |
Category D (3) | 1 vote |
(1) Including Fellows of the ICA.
(2) Numbers defined in the Internal Regulations.
(3) Including Fellows of the ICA.
New ICA Election: Category D EB Representative
In addition to these two electoral processes, the ICA has opened a third one for the election of the Category D Executive Board (EB) Representative. This process responds to the addition of a category D Member at large to the Executive Board, which was part of the constitutional reforms adopted by the ICA Extraordinary Assembly 20 October 2021.
Category “D” members are individual members of ICA in good standing of all nationalities who are at present, or have been in the past, professionally involved in the information management or heritage fields.
One particular element about this election is that only category D members, in good standing, have the right to cast a vote for their preferred candidate.
More information?
Below you can find all the details of these three calls that are open between April and August 2022. The calls are only available in English and French.
All questions related to these calls should be sent to Constance V. Vidon, ICA Executive Coordinator, at elections@ica.org.