Vice-President Finance 

  • Gustavo Castaner Marquardt


2022 marks the end of the terms for two of the Elected Officer positions (2018-2022): the ICA President and the Vice-president Finance. For this latter position, the ICA put out a call for nominations with a closing date of Friday 8 July 2022.

Today, we would like to inform ICA members that as of this deadline, we received one nominee for the position of Vice-president Finance from Gustavo Castaner Marquardt.

In conformity with article 4.4 of the ICA Internal Regulations, Section on Elections (ref. Article 9 – Election), the ICA Elections Officer declares that the candidate has been elected.

4.4 One Nomination 

In the event of only one eligible nomination being received by the specified deadline, the Elections Officer shall declare that candidate to have been elected. 

However, the candidate elected will remain designated as Vice-President Finance – Elect until the entire nomination and election process is overseen by the Elections Officer and, finally, approved by the ICA Roma General Assembly (scheduled for the 21st of September, 2022).

The Vice-president Finance exercises oversight of, and is ultimately responsible for, the management of all funds belonging to ICA. Working in close consultation with the President and the Vice-president Programme and the Executive Director, he gives the organization strategic direction and oversees the proper governance of the organization acting in the name and on behalf of the Executive Board in accordance with the decisions taken by the General Assembly as the sovereign body of the organization.

For more details about the duties of this Elected Officer, as outlined in the ICA Constitution 2021, please click here.


If you have any questions regarding the election process, please contact Atakilty Assefa Asgedom, Elections Officer to the email address