Section on University and Research Institution Archives – SUV

ICA-SUV, the Section on University and Research Institution Archives, is a section of the ICA and was founded in 1992 at the ICA Congress in Montreal. ICA-SUV is open to current and former archivists working in universities, colleges, academies of science and letters, learned societies and research institutions. The section’s business is conducted by a Section Bureau committee consisting of twelve members including the Section’s Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and up to twelve regular members. All are elected from the members of the Section for four-year staggered terms, with elections being held every second year.


The goals of SUV, within the general objectives of ICA as set out in chapter III of the Constitution, are:

  • to promote professional and scholarly co-operation and communication between archives and archivists of universities, colleges, academies of science and letters, learned societies and research institutions,
  • to gather, disseminate and exchange information relating to the creation and administration of such archives,
  • to assist the development and strengthening of such archives through symposia, publications and the exchange of information.
  • to cooperate with other bodies of the ICA.