The Active New Professionals (NPs) are provided with support, advice, and guidance throughout the year in which they are formally identified as active members of the New Professionals Programme. In turn, the Active NPs give their time and knowledge to the NPP helping to run social media accounts, giving presentations and developing a project that will support the broader new professional community.
Active NPs are encouraged to identify their own needs and goals and to develop viable plans for communications and activities. The NPP will support NP activities that fit within the wider ICA vision for professional development and capacity building.
To provide the Active NPs with the opportunity to pursue their goals, Active NPs participate in the following activities and carry out the following duties during the time they formally participate in the NPP.
Throughout the year Active NPs will:
- communicate as a group facilitated by the NPP Coordinator about their role as Active NPs and their activities and ideas;
- attend the Conference in its entirety and participate actively from the beginning to end;
- attend all meetings organised for the Active NPs including planning sessions and networking opportunities;
- during the Conference, liaise regularly with their Conference Buddy to take advantage of as many opportunities as possible;
- develop and run a session during the Conference, to be planned in consultation with the NPP Coordinator;
- participate in and support the workshops which are part of the Conference programme and/or any workshops specifically dedicated to new professionals;
- develop and deliver a webinar as part of International Archives Week;
- communicate about NPP and ICA activities using appropriate social media or other tools;
- engage with their Mentor who will provide professional support, advice and, guidance as the Active NPs establish themselves in their careers;
- attend all New Professionals events planned for the Conference;
- write an article for publication on the ICA website, FLASH or other appropriate publication; and
- work together to complete a group project to support and extend the aims of the NPP.
Active NPs are also expected to participate in – and take the lead on – several communications and social media activities. The different NP communications tools currently in place are outlined below.
- A newsletter is published by the Active NPs, with contributions from NPs other than the active members, with topics in line with NPs’ interests.
- A specific space on the ICA website is dedicated to information by and about NPs.
- Social media communications are carried out through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Wechat, as appropriate.
To support these communications, specific policies, procedures, and guidelines have been established. These documents are made available to different participants as needed. All communications must adhere to ICA guidelines and professional best practice.
Active NPs also engage in a mentor-mentee relationship, where they are paired with a Mentor who provides them with professional advice and guidance for the year or so in which they are Active NPs, ideally longer if appropriate.
As the Active NPs’ official term draws to a close, they will be expected to provide transition support for the next year’s Active NPs. This work includes welcoming the new Active NPs into the NPP, sharing information with them about the year’s activities and events, and otherwise providing support to help the incoming group take over communications, social media, and other duties effectively. The NPP Coordinator will facilitate introductions between the outgoing and incoming Active NPs and will assist with the transition as needed.
Active NPs may also be encouraged to participate in the work of Branches, Sections, or Expert Groups as appropriate, as research assistants or observers. These relationships will be determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the needs and priorities of the Active NP and the particular projects or activities underway in different parts of the ICA.