Title: ICA – SUV Playlist on YouTube
Authors: Section on University and Research Institution Archives (SUV)
Date: August 2023
Resource Summary
Why have we selected it?
The ICA’s Section on University and Research Institution Archives is seeking to make more of their content easily accessible online for their members and the general public. Initially the SUV posted videos online of their Ethics and Archives LabDays, a project funded by the ICA’s Programme Commission (PCOM) that took place in March 2022.
They have now expanded their online videos and are adding content from the #ICASUV23 Conference, as well as the #ICASUV22 Conference. Sharing this audiovisual content is part of their project for the 2023 Conference, which also received funding support from PCOM.
What will you find in this resource?
This resource, which is an SUV playlist on the ICA YouTube channel, currently contains four videos, two from #ICASUV23, the 2023 ICA-SUV Conference which took place in Dublin at the end of May, and two from the SUV LabDays on Ethics and Archives that took place in March 2022, one in English and one in Spanish.
The SUV plans to include more videos from the 2023 Conference in the next couple of weeks. They will also be adding videos from last year’s Conference, #ICASUV22, as well as some other projects. The goal of the playlist is to be one single source for all video content from the SUV.
Stay tuned for more videos from this ICA Professional Section!