Type: UDA

What you will find in this resource:

As a UNESCO instrument and one of the founding documents of the International Council on Archives, there is no other document in the archives and records management field that carries as much distinction and authority as does the Universal Declaration on Archives. Institutions and individuals who need to evaluate the performance, quality and impact of their archives and records management programmes do well to take the UDA into consideration when measuring the value and success of their archives and records management work.

The Universal Declaration on Archives Evaluation Tool was developed as part of the ICA Online Learning course “Understanding and Using the Universal Declaration on Archives”. It is now being published for ICA members to use either as it is, or adapted to suit their own circumstances. The course materials have also been adapted to create a new document Guidelines for Using the Universal Declaration on Archives Evaluation Tool that will help archivists and others use the tool to assess their organisation’s recordkeeping and how well they align with the twenty-one statements articulated in the Declaration.

The Evaluation Tool and the Guidelines for Using it were authored by Margaret Crockett and reviewed by Karen Anderson and Claude Roberto.


  • English
  • Français

Associated documents

Expert Group on Advocacy - AEG

The Universal Declaration on Archives Evaluation Tool

Expert Group on Advocacy - AEG

The Universal Declaration on Archives Evaluation Tool (word)

Expert Group on Advocacy - AEG

Guidelines for Using the Universal Declaration on Archives Evaluation Tool
