This year the Section on Archival Education and Training (SAE) of the International Council on Archives (ICA) will be holding its annual conference on Sunday July 12, 2015 at the University of Maryland, College Park (USA). You are invited to contribute your ideas and expertise on the conference theme of “Social Justice/Injustice in Archival Education, Research, and Practice”. The phrase “social justice” conceptually describes and analyzes ways that archives address issues of empowering people to better their own life conditions, realities, and experiences. You are invited to participate in an exploration of its meanings and applications to archival education, research, and practice.  Potential topics related to social justice/injustice from local and global perspectives could include but are not limited to issues of change, empowerment, and transformation in action research, community engagement, human rights, curriculum, culturally appropriate pedagogies and technologies, and advocacy.

The conference programme is available at  
ICA-SAE publishes proceedings of its conferences online in ICA-SAE Conference Papers (